Thursday Morning Bible Study
Join us on every Thursday at 10:00AM for Bible study. Contact Kay Royston for more information. kayroyston@mac.com

Men of Grace
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month as we gather for fellowship, bible study, and service. Contact Don Rousseau for more information. don.lifehope@gmail.com

Prayer Chain
Because our Gracious Heavenly Father invites us to call upon His name through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Grace supports an email prayer chain. Anyone can submit a prayer request which will be sent to Grace members. Please contact Kay Royston with all prayer requests or if you would like to receive prayer requests via email. kayroyston@mac.com

Women of Grace
Grace's Women in Mission (WIM) is part of the larger LCMS organization Lutheran Women's Missionary League.

Music Ministry
Join in the life of the church by using our talents to praise Him. The praise team leads worship on Sundays and rehearses before service. There are also opportunities to sing/play in small ensembles for worship.

Grace Cares
Grace Cares reaches out, with the love of Jesus, to members of Grace, their families, and others who are suffering loss, illness or other difficult life situations through phone calls, cards, and visits. Contact Leanne Andreas for more information. andreasleanne@gmail.com